
To use in a project:

import octokit

Chaining requests

issue = Octokit().issues.edit(owner='testUser', repo='testRepo', number=1, state='closed')
# If the previous request had a required url attribute, the next request will use the previous url attribute
# This does not apply attributes that are part of the body of the request on post, patch, etc.
issue.pull_requests.create(head='branch', base='master', title='Title')
# Previous attributes can be overridden
issue.pull_requests.create(owner='differentOwner', head='branch', base='master', title='Title')


Responses are the Octokit instance with state in json and response. json is the result of the Requests response.json(). response is the json as a python object.


issue = Octokit().issues.get(owner='testUser', repo='testRepo', number=1)
issue.json['title']  # Title of issue


issue = Octokit().issues.get(owner='testUser', repo='testRepo', number=1)
issue.response.title  # Title of issue